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Village reviewing all parking restrictions in Bluffton

Ordered four radar speed identification signs

Permit parking and permissive license plate tax are two subjects addressed this month by the Bluffton council’s street, light, alley and sidewalk committee.

Meeting on June 27, Joe Sehlhorst and Jerry Cupples, committee members, with Jesse Blackburn and Bryan Lloyd of the village, discussed those subjects and others:
• Permit parking
• Combined sidewalk and curbs
• 2019 capital improvement budget
• Permissive license plate
• Radar speed identification signs

The public works department is reviewing all parking restrictions in the village. And, the committee has requested to enact no parking on the southwesterly side of West Elm Street from Rosenberger Drive to North Spring Street.

The committee’s discussion also includes a review of the corner of High and Jackson streets where sidewalks are to be replaced and a curb installed.

The capital improvement budget will be covered in a later Icon story.

The permissive license plate tax could add an additional $34,000 annually to the village street fund. That discussion continues.

At the committee’s recommendation, Bluffton council approved the purchase for four radar speed identification signs. These signs are movable and show the speed traveling by the vehicle approaching the sign.

Among initial locations being considered for placement include:
• South Main Street near the school zone
• North Bentley at Sunset Drive
• North Bentley at Riley Street
• North Main Street near the swimming pool
• State Route 103
