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Lifelong Republican launches exploratory committee to run for Congress

If successful, will be an Independent on the 4th district ballot

 Chris Gibbs, an Ohio native, lifelong Republican, past chair of the local Republican party, and long-time farmer, announced he is leaving the Republican Party and launching an exploratory committee to consider running against Jim Jordan as an Independent for Ohio’s 4th Congressional District. 

“As I've talked to farmers, business owners, teachers, nurses, civil servants, friends and family, they all agree.


The Dough Hook teams up with Ronald McDonald House Charities

Marlena Ballinger says: "You can help us!"

The Dough Hook, 117 N. Main St., is teaming up with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Ohio to help those in need this holiday season, according to Marlena Ballinger, owner.

“We need your help!” she says.

“ Throughout the month of November and December, The Dough Hook will collect pantry items for the Ronald McDonald house along with cash donations that will be turned into meat for the freezer,” said Ballinger. 


Teaching idioms to first graders?

My kids bring a lot of papers home from school.

Amongst these papers was a sheet of practical activities to do at home to encourage literacy, logic, character-building and math skills. Under the language section, it suggested counting how many idioms my first grader could think of, as a sort of game.

You're pulling my leg, right?


Watching your speed

Earlier this fall, Bluffton police had a speedmeter installed at the County Line Road-Jefferson Street intersection. The meter shows drivers' speeds above 35 miles per hour in red. When the speed hits 35 or lower, the red turns to green and the sign issues a "Thank you."

University art department holds annual pottery competition

Open to high school students on Saturday

The Bluffton University ceramics class is hosting a pottery competition for interested high school students on Saturday, Nov. 23.

The event is for students both advanced and novice and is designed to help build their skill set or introduce them to the clay arts. Bluffton University students will help coach novice students on their own non-competitive clay projects like introducing them to the potter’s wheel and various hand building techniques while more advanced students will engage in a series of “games.” 

Bluffton alum has third piece accepted in Chicken Soup for the Soul books

Christina Ryan Claypool has also authored a book on forgiveness

Christina Ryan Claypool, 1982 Bluffton University alumnae, recently had her third writing contribution accepted in Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Her most recent, Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Forgiveness Fix, was released on Nov. 5.

She speaks highly of her experience at Bluffton: “I had so many incredible instructors during my time at Bluffton who were role models. At that point in my life I lacked self-confidence, but it was empowering to have the support of dedicated educators like Linda Suter and Lawrence Templin.

