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Public participation invited for Ohio Rail Plan Survey 

The Ohio Rail Development Commission is inviting stakeholders to participate in an update to the State of Ohio Rail Plan.  The Ohio Rail Plan is required to be updated every four years to remain competitive for federal grant opportunities.  


Pandora- Gilboa Schools crown homecoming king and queen

P--G Homecoming king and queen, Andrew Miller and Luciana Hovest

On Friday, October 18, the Pandora-Gilboa schools crowned Andrew Miller and Luciana Hovest as 2024 Homecoming King and Queen. The homecoming court is pictured below.


WORPO seeks feedback on rural Long Range Transportation Plan

The West Central Ohio Rural Planning Organization is releasing its DRAFT 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan for public comment HERE. A link to the Long Range Transportation Plan, as well as a survey, will be available for review beginning October 23 - November 13. 


Deadline nears for JAMPD photo contest

Deadline: October 27

This is the final week to enter the Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District Nature Photography Contest.


October is National Pedestrian Safety Month

COLUMBUS – As we lose more and more daylight, October is the top month for fatal pedestrian crashes in Ohio. ▶︎


Test soil in the fall for a healthy yard 

By Casey Heilman
Allen Soil and Water Conservation District

The cooler weather has arrived and many homeowners around the county are raking up leaves, cutting back perennials, and just generally prepping yards, and gardens for the long winter ahead. But what few people realize is that  caring for the soil should be a part of the autumn yard routine. 

Soil testing is especially essential if fertilizer is used. Over-fertilizing is so  easy to do that many don’t give it much thought when applying it. Excess  fertilizer is washed into our rivers and streams every time it rains. From there  it causes algae problems, robs oxygen from the water, and is a leading  contributor of poor water quality. One way to combat over fertilizing to only  apply what is needed and testing the soil helps to establish that proper amount. ▶︎

