Trevor Bassitt mural featured at Harmon Field

Olympic athlete and Bluffton native Trevor Bassitt is now featured in a mural on a Harmon Field building facing College Avenue. Last week Bassitt visited Bluffton and met artist Shaina Phillips, who depicts the 400m hurdler in action.

Bluffton remembers Elbert Dubenion with honorary roadway

Above) Dubenion Drive sign at Bentley and Augsburger roads, Dubenion family and friends; Gene Long, Carolyn Dubenion, Jim "Spike Berry and Ron Lora.

By Paula Pyzik Scott

Some 80 friends, family members, teammates and fans of Elbert Dubenion–who was a collegiate athlete at Bluffton College in the 1950s and a professional football player for nine seasons with the Buffalo Bills—attended an October 4 ceremony dedicating a portion of Bentley Rd. as Dubenion Drive.

Bluffton alumni and residents Ron Lora, Jim “Spike” Berry and Gene Long led the ceremony attended by Dubenion’s daughters and son-in-law as well as other family members. They represented an ad hoc committee that brought the idea of naming the road for Dubenion to the Village of Bluffton. A sentiment repeated throughout the morning was that the honor was long overdue.


Happy accident: Yogurt every day helps keep diabetes away?

By Lily Shadle, Student Pharmacist and Karen Kier, Pharmacist
On behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

“Happy accident” is an idiom meaning something good happens unexpectedly when it otherwise could have been a problem. Around 5,000 BC when milk was exposed to warm temperatures and bacteria, yogurt was the happy accident.  


The Iconic Photo Gallery

Water color artist
1-17-10 The winter dew
Football in the off-season
Just hanging around
Keeping the faith

History lesson

PHOTOS from Travis family archive: LEFT) Betsey Travis Angus and Phyllis Diller. RIGHT) Eloise and Boyd Travis with...

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Recap of October 14 Bluffton Council meeting

CORRECTION The vehicle discussed in public forum is a 3-axle semi cab.

By Paula Pyzik Scott

Mayor Rich Johnson presided over the October 14 meeting of the Village of Bluffton Council., which included the passage of a second reading on an ordinance prohibiting keeping roosters, resident comments on parking his semi tractor and the possibility of developing pickleball courts as a Bluffton YMCA-Village collaboration.




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