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The three mayoral candidates in their own words

Judy Augsburger, Jerry Cupples and David Steiner shared their views and visions of Bluffton to 92 persons who attended a Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce mayoral candidate forum on Tuesday evening in the middle school.

Moderator Stanley Scott, Bluffton University political science professor, led the forum. Duane Bollenbacher served as timer.

The Icon created videos of each mayoral candidate's opening response during the Oct. 28 mayoral candidate forum. In addition, the candidate's closing remarks are taped.


Mayoral candidates offer views on Bluffton's issues, and mayoral governing style in 60-plus minute forum

On an evening when voters across the nation watched a televised Republican presidential debate, Bluffton held its own “debate.” The event was Oct. 28.

Bluffton’s chamber invited Bluffton’s three 2015 mayoral candidates to a mayoral candidate forum. Held in the middle school, 92 persons attended to hear each candidate’s view on a range of village issues.

Lasting over one-hour, candidates provided opinions on 15 questions, allowing a 90-second answer for each response.


Counterfeit bills passed in Bluffton businesses

Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, informed The Icon of persons passing counterfeit bills in Bluffton businesses.

• Over the weekend several counterfeit $50 bills were cashed in at businesses along State Route 103. The men using these counterfeit bills were making small purchases requiring large amounts of change.

• On Tuesday evening someone purchased a pet dog via Craig's List.The payment and exchange for the pet were conducted in a parking lot of a SR 103 business.


Artist Series continues with Estonian ensemble

Tickets are available for the second concert in the 2015-16 Bluffton University Artist Series, by Heinavanker, a vocal ensemble from Estonia, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, in Yoder Recital Hall.

Performing since 1996, Heinavanker delves into early sacred music, ancestors’ traditions and contemporary imagination. Ancient Estonian folk songs, called runic songs, and folk hymns are important parts of the group’s repertoire.

University's nutrition association plans benefit dinner Nov. 6

The Bluffton University Nutrition Association (BUNA) will hold its annual fall dinner, benefiting both the Bluffton Community Assistance Corp. and the Lima-based Churches United Pantry, from 5-7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6, at First Mennonite Church, 101 S. Jackson St., Bluffton.

This year’s dinner will include homemade soup, bread and dessert. Nonperishable food items will be accepted, as will cash and checks made payable to BUNA. All proceeds will benefit the two food pantries.

Courting rituals, scientific research topics of talks

Love the Photo—Don’t Like the Scent: Online Dating in the Age of Coffee Shops” will be Dr. Quentin Schultze’s subject for a Bluffton University Forum at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3, in Yoder Recital Hall.

At the same time, Bluffton senior Tricia Latimer will discuss her research on cell-collagen interactions as part of the “First Tuesday at the Library” series in the Musselman Library Reading Room.

Both presentations are free and open to the public.
