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Weekend doctor: Covid-19 and myocarditis: A risk for athletes

Experts believe that exercising while infected with the virus increases the risk of developing myocarditis.

By Michael Stump, MD
Blanchard Valley Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

While the effects of COVID-19 infection on the lungs are well-publicized, it is not just a respiratory infection.

Coronavirus can also cause a condition called myocarditis, a viral infection of the heart muscle. Just like it affects the lungs, the virus can invade heart muscle cells, causing inflammation and damage. This condition can result in the weakening of the heart muscle and arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats.

Happy feet with diabetes

How to take care of your feet if you have diabetes

This column provided by ONU Healthwise Pharmacy.
Diabetes can lead to complications throughout your body, even in your feet. Learn how to keep your feet healthy and happy.

In people with diabetes, the feet face a two-sided attack. First, diabetes can slow blood flow to the feet, which can make it harder for cuts, sores and blisters to heal. Second, diabetes can lead to nerve damage — or neuropathy — that causes your feet to go numb.


15 minutes with Melissa Bogart Campbell

She's executive director of the State of Washington Farmland Trust

15 minutes with
Melissa (Bogart) Campbell,
1997 Bluffton High School graduate

We understand you are director of the  Washington Farmland Trust. Tell us about it.


Cementing a relationship with bikes

Work underway today for creation of 17 bike parking spaces on Main Street

You noticed some serious concrete work underway in various locations along Main Street today.

Specifically –
• Three stamped concrete pads for downtown bike racks are being poured by Patriot Concrete.

• Two ADA ramps are being added at the Lake Street intersection along North Main Street by Jim’s Excavating, Ft. Jennings.

The Village Public Works Department excavated and prepared all sites for concrete.  

As Bluffton becomes a more friendly bicycle village, more incentives become available to encourage bike use here.


St. Mary's Catholic youth fundraiser - they will "boo your yard"

St. Mary’s Catholic Church youth are in the midst of a “Boo My Yard” fundraiser this month. Proceeds from the project go toward youth to attend summer camp next year. 

Here’s how it works:
For a fee, youth will visit your yard and scatter toys and candy filled eggs, plus some spooky webbing. Orders for this Halloween fundraiser are being taken now through Wednesday, Oct. 21.

Your yard will be "booed" on Friday evening, Oct. 30.


Final NW Ohio soccer coaches polls

The final 2020 Northwest Ohio Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association poll has Bluffton boys ranked first and Bluffton girls sixth. The polls are attached 

