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Jonathan Fortman bowls a 288 in Community League competition

Amerigas Belles & Beaux League
Scores bowled on: Oct.20
Men’s High Game

John Dailey                                264
Rick Baker                                 241
Wayne Diamond                              234
Derek Dukes                                221

Women’s High Game
Heather May                                210
Beth Diamond                               203
June Orr                                   199
Gina Bloomfield                            193


Library board holds special meeting Oct. 30


The Bluffton Public Library Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 145 S. Main Street in Bluffton. The special meeting will immediately move into executive session to discuss hiring personnel and conclude following adjournment of executive session.

University colloquium: Plain’ church split speaks to technology complexities

Ongoing debate in the divided Old German Baptist Brethren Church illustrates difficulties that the conservative Anabaptist group continues to face in its efforts to restrict Internet use, says a Bluffton University professor who has studied the church.

The Brethren ruled against use of the Internet at their 1996 Annual Meeting to maintain “separation from, and nonconformity to, the world,” according to meeting minutes cited by Dr. Gerald Mast, a professor of communication, at an Oct. 18 campus colloquium.

Pre-holiday book fair this week at Bluffton Elementary

Bluffton Elementary School will hold its annual book fair this week, according to Melissa Knauss, Elementary PTO president.

Daily hours will be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Friday. 

Family night is Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 6-8 p.m. 

"If individuals have children or grandchildren, it's a wonderful time to start their Christmas shopping. What better gift to give than the power of reading," Knauss told The Icon.


Village salaries, sidewalk ordinance change and residential mowing regulations

Preparations for 2014 are underway by the Bluffton council.

On Monday several ordinances will be considered that relate to next year.
• One is a pay ordinance.
• Another is an amended version of a previously passed sidewalk ordinance. The amended version changes the dates originally required for residents on the east side of the village to have sidewalks installed.
• A third is an ordinance establishing regulations for mowing and maintenance of properties.


Seth Burkholder wins Icon football contest for Week 9

The winner of Week 9 of the Icon Football Contest is Seth Burkholder. Seth and Nancy Armour correctly picked 13 games this week.  Neither picked the correct point spread in either tie-breaker (though Seth was closest) and Seth submit his entry first.  

Other contestants:

12 correct - Adelyn Althaus, Brandon Huber, Elfreida Ramseyer, Nathan Davis, Rory Edinger and Tater Hooker.

