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SML RED - can only mean one thing

SML RED - we take to mean "Small Red." The Icon spotted this small red vehicle in the Bluffton University Bentley Road parking lot. Check out the photo below and you'll see how the license plate came to be.


Maple Crest artist

Maple Crest resident Phyllis Suter creates a water color painting using only yellow, blue and red. Jeanette Reineke instructs an art class at Maple Crest. This month's project was an abstract work - and students were limited to those three colors. Click for more photos.

Volunteers contributed more than 7,176 hours at MHCO last year

Volunteers have played a vital role at Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio (MHCO) since Mennonite Memorial Home first opened in Bluffton in 1955.  The importance of those volunteers is appreciated daily, and especially on National Day of Service, which is Saturday, Jan. 19.

In 2012 MHCO had over 250 volunteers who provided more than 7,176 hours of volunteer service between Mennonite Memorial Home, Maple Crest and Willow Ridge, according to Mary Ann Ring, director of  volunteer services.


Kay Parent was a Bluffton High School and Bluffton College graduate

Bluffton native Kay (Rodabaugh) Parent, 64 of Kettering, Ohio, died at her home, Jan. 14, 2013.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Dr. Franklin and Lois Rodabaugh and a sister, Rosanne Dolan. She graduated from Bluffton High School in 1966 and from Bluffton College in 1970.


Collegiate Employ-Net spring job fair sign-up underway

Area companies interested in meeting potential employees should consider participating in the Collegiate Employ-Net Spring Job Fair on Friday April 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Owens Community College, Perrysburg.

The event attracts students from nearly 20 colleges in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Bluffton University and Ohio Northern University participate in this project.


Bluffton Relay for Life inviting teams to join this year's event

Bluffton's Relay for Life is Friday, June 21. The organization is inviting businesses, organizations and individuals to consider starting a team or joining one that is already in place.

Anyone wanting additional information or help may call Lynda Best 419-358-5858 or Jesse Purcell of the American Cancer Society at 888-227-6446 ext. 5217  

