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Icon updating its "Civic Organization" list

Please review our list and provide us with updates

How many organizations exist in Bluffton?

Would you believe the answer is "over 30"?

The Icon post organizations names, their contact person and phone number and website (if it is available).

To help us keep updated, please check the civic organization list in the attachment. If you organization is listed, let us know if the information is correct. If changes are needed, please send the information.


2014 World Series of Comedy Winner - Spencer James - performs locally

The 235 Grill will host Comedian Spencer James from 9 until 11 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1. The 235 Gill is located 107 W. Lee St., Alger.

James won the 2014 World Series of Comedy Tour.

His standup routine is a little dose of Martin and Lewis, with a little dash of Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. mixed in. He blends both music and dance into his show.
James has appeared on Laugh-Fox, in Las Vegas, and tours the country.

Tickets are $20 single and $35 couples. For guaranteed seating call the restaurant at 419-757-0021.


What's this one mean?

Spotted this plate in Ada. Working on a mean, but we need help. Any suggestions?


Scene from 1961 centennial pageant

Here's a photograph from the 1961 Bluffton centennial community pageant. This scene represents the Methodist Church and the first Methodist family in Shannon. From left are Evelyn Steiner, Rev. James Kuhn (seated), James Szabo and Barb Eastman. The pageant was in Founders Hall.

Juvenile court judge examines juvenile law and the Constitution

Judge Glenn Derryberry Constitution Day Forum speaker

Judge Glenn Derryberry of Allen County juvenile court presented Bluffton’s annual Constitution Day Forum titled “Juveniles and the Law: A Puzzle.” In front of a packed audience on Sept. 20 in Yoder Recital Hall, Derryberry explained that he looks at constitutional law in the area of juvenile justice to be a large jigsaw puzzle.
“The puzzle is not finished and the puzzle continues to change,” said Derryberry. “Local courts every day are confronted with Constitutional details of great importance.”

Pirate Day in Bluffton

Friday was Pirate Day in Bluffton. Jadyn Barhorst, Bluffton HS senior, was among the many pirates watching the BHS homecoming parade on Friday evening. When Jadyn is not dressed as a pirate she's the goalie for the girls' soccer team. More photos of the parade are in the story below.
