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It's only a "strawberry moon"

The first time in decades that a full moon ("Strawberry Moon") has appeared on the summer solstice as seen here Monday evening.

The next such event?  2062.  (USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, and other news services) Ken Collins, Ada Icon photographer, took this photo in Ada.


Ada is Model A Ford capital of Ohio on Thursday - 40 cars in town

FROM ADA ICON - Watch for an invasion of Model A Fords in Ada on Thursday.

Ada will be visited by nearly 40 Model A Fords, ranging in model year from 1928 to 1931.

They will be on exhibit in the Ada depot parking lot and are part of an all-day celebration.

In cooperation with the Buy Ada First and Ada Area Chamber of Commerce, several activities are planned to entertain the visiting Model A drivers. Some of these activities are open to the public.


School board acts on resignations and hirings

Bluffton school board will act on several resignations and hirings during its Thursday, June 23, board meeting. Action anticipated includes:

(The entire June 23 agenda is an attachment at the bottom of the story)


Hard at work

Elementary-age students at Bluffton Child Development Center held a car wash at the Center on Wednesday. A complimentary lemonade was given to drivers.

Summer ‘Family Day’ June 25 at The Quarry Farm

The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve & Conservation Farm, Pandora, is holding the Summer 2016 Family Day on Saturday, June 25, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.


Virgil Studebaker's Studebaker takes the show

When your last name is the same as an antique vehicle and you are an antique vehicle collector you certain have to own one.

Take the case of Virgil Studebaker from Spencerville.

He owns a 1930 Studebaker Dictator. It won Best of Show in this year’s Bluffton Lions Club Festival of Wheels.

There are all the winners from last weekend’s show:

