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Committee called to order

After wintering anywhere from Louisiana to Central America, Bluffton turkey vultures returned right on time this year on March 3. This group – we counted 26 birds – is called a committee, when roosting in trees. This committee stayed overnight in the Little Riley Creek woods  between Campus Drive and the old college baseball diamond. When circling in the air stream above Bluffton, they are called a kettle.

Jacob and Barbara Wahli Moser

Our Swiss connection - part 16 • Special focus on Rev. John and Anna Lehmann Moser

This is the 16th installment in this series. Click here for the previous installment.
This column features the Jacob and Barbara Wahli Moser family, with a special emphasis on one of their sons, who became Rev. John Moser.

Jacob Moser was born Nov. 24, 1793, in Rudersvil, Switzerland, to Peter and Barbara Ramseyer Moser. He married Barbara Wahli born Aug. 31, 1802, in Bolligen, Switzerland, on March 6, 1819, in Bevillard, Canton Bern, Switzerland.


So, you think you know Bluffton? The answer

So, you think you know Bluffton? The answer is the sign on Bluffton Family Recreation.


Ready for kickoff? It's spring football season in Bluffton

Beavers travels to Manchester on Saturday

Bluffton Beavers season begins on Saturday, March 6, on the road at Manchester.As of March 2, game attendance will be limited to student, faculty and staff members.

In a first for the sport, Bluffton University will play intercollegiate football this spring. Here's the Heartland coaches poll. At the bottom of this story is the Beaver schdule.

Masked learning

One of the many limitations in gathering news and taking photos during the pandemic is the Icon's limited access to Bluffton schools. But, school to the rescue, as the school website provides a continued collection of classroom activities like this one.

Bluffton schools will continue 4-day-in class, 1-day-remote schedule

2021-22 school year will five days a week in the classroom

Bluffton schools will continue to use the four-day-per-week model with remote learning on Fridays for the final nine weeks of the academic year, according to Greg Denecker, superintendent.

And, the school district intends to start the 2021-2022 school year at five days a week.

These two announcements are in a letter posted on the school website. Click here for the entire letter.

