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Bluffton churches celebrate Christmas eve with special services tonight

Here are the Christmas eve church services that area congregations provided to The Icon.

o First United Methodist Church
Christmas Eve Service
Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols, 7 p.m.
Pre-service music starts at approximately 6:35 p.m.

o Emmanuel United Church of Christ
Christmas Eve Service
There will be a special production by the children and lots of Christmas singing with the service starting at 6 p.m.


And there appeared a duo of wise angel men

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

According to Luke 2, a Heavenly host of angels appeared on Christmas Eve. Well, technically, no one is sure of what time they appeared. But they did. And then, of course, along came the Wise Men. Okay, so today - Christmas Eve - two, well, let's just call them Wise angel men, appeared at Bluffton Family Rec center, as I was running around the track.


Up on the housetop

Up on the housetop

It's perhaps Bluffton's largest Santa. You'll find this guy at the Weisenbarger house at 550 S. Main St.

Some Christmas boyhood memories of Bluffton of more than 75 years ago

Note: Robert Kreider, now of North Newton, Kansas, has a special place in his heart for Bluffton, Ohio. Here are some of his thoughts at Christmas.

At Christmas time boyhood images of a Bluffton of more than 75 years ago come surging out of my past. In my ripe old age, I savor these scraps of memory. Speaking of "ripe old age," how does one know when he or she has become "ripe"? Relax for this flow of nostalgia:


Bean counting time

Luther and Geneva Shetler celebrate wedding anniversary number 70

Luther and Geneva Shetler hold their wedding photo from 70 years ago

You do the math: Luther and Geneva Shetler were married Dec. 22, 1940. So, 2010 minus 1940 equals, that's right, wedding anniversary number 70 this year.

Living in their 10535 Augsburger Road, Bluffton, home, they reminisced earlier today about their wedding seven decades ago.

"We were married at Eighth Street Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, by J.E. Hartzler, who was interim pastor there," recalls Luther. Members of the wedding party were Joe Weaver of Goshen, best man, and Zelma Stamm of Archbold, Geneva's sister, as maid of honor.

