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Public hearing set July 6

Bluffton Board of Zoning and Building Appeals will hold a public hearing Monday, July 6, at 7 p.m., in the town hall third floor community room.

The discussion centers on a resident at 356 S. Main St. request for a variance. The request is a dimensional variance from the required side yard and dwelling setback for the addition of a carport, according to Bryan Lloyd, assistant village administrator. 


High-wire act

An AEP employee works a high-wire act on Bentley Road. Power poles are being moved to enable the August extension of this summer's pedestrian and bike pathway to proceed. In addition, Allen County Engineer's office extended a waste water line across Bentley. The new pathway will extend from Richland Drive to Riley Street.

It's a small town civics lesson

Bluffton village ordinances now available on the internet

It’s a small town civics lesson, now on the internet.

Thanks for the efforts of Bluffton officials, all Bluffton ordinances are now available online for anyone to read.

The announcement was made at the June 22 council meeting. The meeting's agenda is attached at the bottom of this story.

CLICK HERE to view the ordinance folder, located on the Village of Bluffton website. The project cost $14,000 and has 1,193 pages went printed on a computer printer.


Music review: Chromatica - Lady Gaga

Download the singles, but unless you are a huge Lady Gaga fan, skip buying the entire album

The Icons introduce our first music review, a column we hope to continue monthly. Your comments are welcome at [email protected]

Chromatica - Lady Gaga
Reviewer: Craig Hoffman

Lady Gaga, the Queen of Pop, is out with Chromatica. It is the first album for the megastar since the popular A Star Is Born in 2018. Chromatica is Lady Gaga’s sixth consecutive number one debut in the US.


It's Quinn the Fox on library Facebook Live Friday AM

Virtual game night begins next Tuesday

Meet Quinn the Fox on Friday’s Animal of the Week shown at 10 a.m. on the Bluffton Public Library Facebook Live.

The program is part of the summer “Quarry Farm Fridays,” sponsored by the library and The Quarry Farm, rural Pandora.

Those who attend live may ask questions via the Facebook chat. Those unable to attend may view the video later in the day when it is posted on both organizations' Facebook pages and websites. 

SHANNON Service Club invites flag sponsors

Flag sponsorships assist club's community service projects

The S.H.A.N.N.O.N. Service Club invites viewers to be a 2020 Main Street flag sponsor, according to Duane Bollenbacher of the club.

The purchase of flags, a $25 per flag, is open to businesses, organizations, or to individuals.

Bollenbacher said that sponsors may name someone that you wish to honor or memorialize with each flag sponorship.

All proceeds from the sponsorship of flags help the S.H.A.N.N.O.N. Service Club in its quest to make Bluffton a better community for its children, its elderly, its needy families, and all the citizens of Bluffton. 

