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Trinity Lutheran, Jenera, host to Thanksgiving Day service

 A Thanksgiving Day service will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 N. Main St., Jenera, at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 24. 

The theme is “All Our Belongings are Gifts of God’s Grace” based on Deuteronomy 26:1-11. 

The choir will sing “Autumn Carol” accompanied by handbells. The church will be decorated with harvest items. 


Letter: Thanks to all who helped make Beaverdam Memorial possible

Icon viewers:

The Breaverdam Memorial Committee would like to thank everyone who helped make our memorial and its dedication possible. The outpoouring of support from the Beaverdam-Bluffton area has  been unbelievable!

The American Legion Post 382 ceremony and the over 400 people attending made this dedication an outstanding event. Thank you again for your support.


A Beverly Amstutz holiday tradition

One of Bluffton's holiday traditions is coming this week. Local artist Beverly Amstutz will release her 16th Blaze of Lights greeting card. Her card's 2016 theme is love and peace for Christmas around the world. Cards will be available soon at Greg's Pharmacy for $1each. Open the attachment below to see her cards from 2013, 2014 and 2015.

It's Bluffton Blaze time!

Events start Friday - parade and lights go on Saturday

The Blaze of Lights is more than just a one-day event. In addition to the events taking place on Nov. 26, it includes these elements that continue nightly through Jan. 1:

• the Ream folk art holiday display
• the Gift of Giving light show extravaganza

• Bluffton Main Street business district Christmas window displays
• a tour of Bluffton’s residential yard lighting


Holly Follies on middle school stage this weekend

Friday and Saturday nights - proceeds to hospital and food pantry

The Holly Follies are back!

The follies, a weekend of local entertainment held once upon a time in Bluffton were originally part of the Blaze of Lights.

They are back, thanks to Pat Rodabaugh. This year’s performances are at 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Nov. 25 and 26, in the Bluffton middle school cafetorium.  Tickets are available at the door at $5 for adults, $3 for children and free for youth 3 and under.

Ticket sale proceeds  are split between the Bluffton Hospital Auxiliary and the Bluffton Community Assistance food pantry.


Bluffton Hospital to present about Women's Center at Bluffton library

How Will the Women's Center of Bluffton Hospital Benefit Me?: An informal presentation at Bluffton Public Library featuring a representative from Blanchard Valley Health System

Want to learn more about the latest expansion to the Bluffton Hospital? Bluffton Public Library will host a representative from Blanchard Valley Health System on December 8 at 6:30 p.m.
