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Icon's rhubarb pie aged 1 year in the freezer

Try cleaning out your freezer. You never know what you’ll find. I did. I found a bag of rhubarb cut from last summer (2015 vintage).

It was encased in a global-formed block of ice and looked pretty shameful.

But, you know the saying, pour on some sugar – just a little – and suddenly you have the ingredients for a pie.

Recalling that quote, I went to work. This meant halting my cleaning job. Instead I put on my baking cap. Here’s what happened next.


Toledo Zoo comes to Bluffton library on Wednesday

Bluffton Public Library invites youth from Kindergarten through fifth grade to a learning program conducted by the Toledo Zoo and Aquarium at 1 p.m., Wednesday, June 22, at the library.

The program is titled Amazing Adaptations. Registration in advance is required.

Amazing Adaptations takes place in the library's lower level. Children who attaned will meet some of the aniamsl who call the Toledo Zoo their home.


Council hears final reading of water-sewer surchange tonight

On Monday evening, Bluffton council will act on the final reading of an ordinance set a surcharge on water and sewer accounts in the village.

The surcharge is based upon meter size. The range of meters in the village is from 5/8 inches all the way to 6 inches.

The accompanying charge shows the monthly surcharge.

Council will also act on adopting 2016 asphalt sealing project schedule. Street and alley committee has recommended using Nonnemaker, a Columbus Grove firm, for this project, at a cost of $11,870.


Cadets drum and bugle corps performs in Ada tonighty

The Cadets, one of the oldest and most honored continuously operating drum and bugle corps in the country, will perform at Ohio Northern University’s Dial-Roberson Stadium on Monday, June 20, at 7:30 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public.

The nationally renowned corps will present its 2016 production, “Awakening.” The corps also will perform patriotic selections and classics from past seasons.


Saturday benefit

Mandy Kinn cuts Nick Sandler's hair during Saturday's Spectrum Salon cut-a-thon. All funds generated from the event support Bluffton Good Samaritan Women's Group. Nick is the grandson of Sondra Braun of Bluffton.

Icon "Weekend" edition offers 11 pages of things to do

Welcome to the Icon "Weekend" edition. There's lots of things to do in Bluffton and Ada between now and next Saturday. Our special edition is a roadmap to those activities. To view the "Weekend" CLICK HERE.
