November MMH birthday celebrations
Several residents of the Mennonite Memorial Home will celebrate November birthdays.
They include:
oVera Lee, 6th
oMike Plate, 11th
oBob Spillman, 14th
oAllene Luginbuhl, 15th
oEdith Holbrook, 17th
oArline Wagner, 18th
oDean Sommers, 18th
oVera Higgins, 19th
oAlice Wingate, 24th
oTreva Suter, 27th
oHarvey Bauman, 27th
There are several new residents at the Home. They are Marcene Martz, Bluffton; Lucille Bracy, Bluffton; Chloette "Peggy" Hauter, Mt. Cory; Mary Alice Hartman, Bluffton; Dorothy Lloyd, Bluffton; and Marie Bourquin, Bluffton.
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