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Health Services

Out of Africa

By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

In 1985, the successful film Out of Africa was released even though it was not well received by critics. The film was loosely based on the 1937 autobiography of Isak Dinesen, which was the pseudonym of Danish writer Karen Blixen. The film starred Meryl Streep and Robert Redford and was directed by Sydney Pollack. The movie won seven Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director. The Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture for a Drama was awarded to Out of Africa in 1986.


EMS volunteers answer 756 calls in 2021

EMS Chief Jan Basinger reports that the Bluffton EMS had a record year for calls for service and number of patient transports in 2021. The all volunteer crew had 756 calls in 2021 which resulted in 499 patients being transported. 

These numbers eclipsed the 2020 record of 573 calls and the previous record for patient transports of 398 in 2019.


COVID testing and booster guidance

Blanchard Valley Health System, including Bluffton Hospital, has issued the following COVID testing and vaccine guidance with the goal of keeping patients and associates safe.

It answers the questions 1) When is it best to test? and 2) Why are booster shots important?


Weekend Doctor: Sleep and health

By Daniel Sak, DO, SAK Sleep Wellness Center

For people of all ages, the everyday stress of life often leads to the sacrifice of one of the most important aspects of human health: sleep. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, but on average, many adults receive seven hours or less. The number is even worse for college students, with six hours being the average amount of sleep that students are getting on a good night.


Blanchard Valley Health System prohibits cloth masks in all facilities

Blanchard Valley Health System is prohibiting cloth masks in all facilities and locations. BVHS will require patients and visitors to wear a surgical or an N-95 mask, which will be provided upon entry.



By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Targeting is defined by the dictionary as a means of selecting an object of attention or attack. Targeting is a marketing tool that identifies a target audience and directly advertises products to them through various channels. For example, a company could target reruns of The Golden Girls or The Mary Tyler Moore Show for products such as Medicare or AARP designed for an older audience. Those versed in online video games may recognize targeting as a strategy where one player continuously attacks the same person during the contest.

