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Public Meetings

Council-chamber hopes to improve appearance of entrance to Bluffton

Beautification of the Bluffton interstate interchanges may take place this year. Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, and Eric Fulcomer, Bluffton mayor, met with Ohio Department of Transportation officials last week, after the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce placed the beautification project on its wish list for 2013.

It is possible that the village could obtain up to $25,000 from ODOT for the landscaping project.

Several other items are on Bluffton council's Monday night agenda. The agenda follows this story.




Village spells out its "downtown" snow removal policy

Icon viewers: The following letter is from Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator. It was sent to the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce to address questions from Main Street merchants about snow removal in the downtown area.

The letter was e-mailed to chamber members and it posted here for general information for village residents concerning snow removal.


2013 appropriations on council's Dec. 17 agenda

Bluffton council will act on its 2013 appropriation on Dec. 17. The village anticipates general fund revenues of $2.3 million and general fund expenses of $1.5 million according to the information in the council packet.

A breakdown of appropriation categories is in the document below this story.


School board will act on income tax levy renewal on Dec. 17

The Bluffton school board will act on legislation to place a one-half percent income tax renewal levy on the 2013 ballot at its Dec. 17 meeting.

The current three-year income tax levy expires Dec. 31, 2013. It generates $600,000 for the district. If placed on the ballot and passed by voters it would extend the tax beginning Jan. 1, 2014, and would continue for three years.

Voters first approved the one-half percent tax in 2010. Collection began Jan. 1, 2011.


Village utility customers electronic fund transfer now available


It is now easier to pay Bluffton village utility bills.

The Village of Bluffton has launched its electronic fund tranfer as a method for utility customers to pay their monthly bills.


Two hour delay on Dec. 5

Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent sent The Icon the following reminder about the Bluffton school day on Wednesday, Dec. 5: 2 Hour Delay for Staff Development on Formative Instructional Practices.

