Public Meetings

With the passage of the March one-quarter income tax levy the village is gearing up for major water line replacement work. The projects address problem water mains in the village have are believed to cause rusty colored water.

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, outlined the replacement procedure with Bluffton council members on Monday evening.

He said that the village service department is reviewing the plans and is 95 percent finished with that step of the process.

The lone piece of the village water plant building on Triplett Drive just north of Steinmetz Field will soon be history. Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, will report to Bluffton council on Monday that the building will be removed.

In his council report, Mehaffie says the village has already removed the clear well and aeration structure on that site. The building removal is in conjunction wih the Bluffton schools construction project at Steinmetz Field.

Wendell Miller announced his retirement from Bluffton schools at the end of this school year. His retirement is action required at Monday's Bluffton school board meeting.

In addition to Miller's retirement, the board will be voting on a host of contracts, including certified, non-certified and supplemental for the 2012-13 school year. Also on the agenda are next year's class fees.

The meeting is at 7:30 p.m., in the elementary media center. The nine-page agenda is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Bluffton residents may start preparing for spring cleaning. The village will have dumpsters at the Spring Street recycling center available from May 18 to 29, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

"This will provide residents with 10 days including two weekend to take items to the center," Mehaffie told Bluffton council members on Monday. Household hazardous waste materials are not permitted to be disposed of during this period.

The March Apollo Career Center board's agenda is now available for Icon viewers. The agenda is in an attachment at the bottom of this story. The meeting is Monday, March 26.

The Bluffton Exempted Village School District is currently accepting applications from students interested in attending the school district through open enrollment for the 2012 -2013 school year, according to Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent.

Students from any school district in Ohio may apply and enroll in Bluffton Schools tuition free. Students are admitted on a full-time basis only.

Applications are approved annually on a first come, first served basis and approval is subject to grade level enrollment and educational programs.
