Public Meetings

At the December 11 meeting of the Bluffton Council, the Village administration presented the following report including "done" and "to-do" lists:

1. Geiger St. Water Main Replacement: Another quality project completed under budget: 15.9% under the contract price that was already 15% below the engineer's estimate.

2. Garau St. Water Main Replacement: Work has been completed. 

1. Pocono Drive Utility Improvements: OPWC has approved a $240,000 loan at 0% interest over a 30-year term for the project to teplace water and sewer main lines along Pocono Drive estimated at $352,260.

CORRECTION: The second paragraph has been corrected to more accurately reflect statements presented by the Village administration.

By Andy Chappell-Dick

At the November 27 Village Council meeting, an ordinance was introduced that would ask Bluffton voters for a 20-year half-percent increase in the Village income tax rate to specifically fund safety services.

Work to limit in-Bluffton leaks has resulted in cost savings

By Andy Chappell-Dick

At a regular meeting on Monday, November 27, the Bluffton Council was informed that buying water from Ottawa will be more expensive in 2024. No immediate decision was made on whether or when to pass on the increase to Bluffton customers.

By Paula Scott

On Monday, November 20, the Bluffton Board of Education meeting included two visitors, 7th grader Jaylen Guest–who is a volunteer technology assistant–and incoming member Alice Basinger, who will take her seat on the board in January. The agenda included approving the Ocean Focus field trip and submission of a renewal tax levy for the March 2024 ballot.

The 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting of the Apollo Board of Education on November 27, 2023 will include new business of a Resolution of Acceptance In the  Ohio Facilities Construction Commission Career Technical Construction Program. The agenda is attached

The Village of Beaverdam Village Council will hold a Public Hearing Meeting on Tuesday November 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Room, with the purpose of discussing the proposed amendment to the Village of Beaverdam’s Zoning Ordinance. 
