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Letter: From Richard Johnson, Bluffton mayor, to the community

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I would like to take this time one behalf of myself, council members, village administrator and village employees to say thank you to you, our residents, for your cooperation during this crisis that we are all facing.

The respect you are showing for your neighbors and fellow citizens is remarkable.

We have many businesses and organizations that are not being able to open, but are still helping the community in any way they can think of, to strive to keep our community up and running as much as possible.

The businesses that are considered essential are doing a fantastic job in keeping your facilities safe for your employees and for your customers. The restaurants, going up and above to be creative in their ways of being able to still give each of us the opportunity to enjoy their food.

These businesses are all putting the community first, and want to continue to keep Bluffton a great community. It is apparent at this time of unknown and uncertainty that people are coming together and doing for each other, whatever needs to be done in many caring ways.

Also a special thank you to those of you who are part of the medical world of Bluffton, especially our doctors, nurses and the EMS. Also our fire department and police department, as well as the funeral home and our mail carriers. We greatly appreciate each and every one of you.

I also want to mention that we have many children who have been chalk writing on driveways and sidewalks along the way, also delivering stones with little paintings on them, or nice little sayings to go with them. What a tribute these children are to our society to find ways to bring smiles to the citizens of Bluffton. We are proud of you and keep it up.

I ask that the social distancing, which our Gov. Mike DeWine has ordered to stay in place, that we continue to do, and do it consistently. I know that with the warmer weather and sunshine it is great to be out and about and please continue to do so, but keep in mind the distance you are to be keeping, as well as do not gather in groups.

This is difficult as we all want to congregate and do some much needed chit-chat and socializing, however when a couple are gathered it is soon easy for many more to join that group, we, must be conscientious of our surrounds and gathering together.

This will be a small price to pay if we can keep our little town safer and healthier and that this Covid-19 can be decreased soon, and we can start to resume a few things to represent some normalcy in our lives.

This week is for many, a celebration of Holy Week, and in Bluffton we had many services that were considered a very special time in one’s life. The Maundy Thursday service in our local churches, the carrying of the cross throughout our community on Good Friday and then of course, the celebration of Easter. We miss these special events. Once again, we find our local churches along with many other churches finding creative ways to bring us together, separately, to worship for those who want to do so.

Thank you, Bluffton residents and businesses for your love and support to each other and your fellow neighbors, for continuing to show what Community Pride truly is and what togetherness truly means.

I hope that this finds you healthy and able to fight this crisis, and I want to say the very best to each and every one of you, and for those of you who are celebrating the Easter season, may you feel the warmth of Easter blessings surround you.

Richard Johnson 
Bluffton village mayor
