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Letter: Vote "Yes" on the May 4 school renewal levy

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In Bluffton we have the privilege of a school that consistently ranks near the top for student learning. At the same time our school ranks near the bottom for money spent per student. What a bargain. We have high performance at low cost. From an economic viewpoint it doesn't get much better.

This doesn't happen by itself. The administration, teachers and staff all work with students and parents to create the excellent learning environment. They also work hard to keep costs down. As citizens and voters it is our responsibility to keep the money flowing.

Perhaps it seems we are asked to support a school levy just about every time election day rolls around. It's not that bad, but we do vote fairly often because we have a levy that expires every three years and another that expires every five years. Put these together and we end up voting for a school levy quite often.

On the May 4 ballot we vote to renew the three-year permanent improvement levy. Money from this half-percent income tax can be used for anything that will last five years or more. This includes repairs to buildings, remodeling, new school busses, etc.

Please call the Bluffton school office at (419) 358-5901 or visit the school website at for more information about past or future projects supported by this tax.

I encourage you to vote YES for the renewal of the Bluffton school levy on May 4.

Michael Edmiston
210 Grove Street
Committee for Better Schools
