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Bicycles R Us

Some families have lots of cars and a few bikes. We have lots of bikes and one car. Well, technically we have three cars but two of them have decamped for Kent and Cincinnati. In the worst of winter, we have to shuffle the bikes to make room for the car which most of the time resides in the driveway.

We (technically, just I) ride a bike year round - when possible. The other person in this house is more of a fair-weather rider. So when fair weather arrives, we begin the ceremonious "opening of bike season".

This is a bigger deal than you might think. For starters, we begin pulling them out for inspection. Suddenly, it occurs to both of us that it is entirely possible we have acquired too many bikes so we speculate on what to do. This is where the arguments start. Which to get rid of? Which to keep?

Understand that I am protective of my bikes. So what if I can only ride one at a time and quite honestly, I really only use two of them anymore. But that doesn't mean I'm ready to pitch them. we go with another list...

Bike number 1: My Suntour recumbent trike. This is a no-brainer. It stays.

Bike number 2: Dad's 12-speed Concord. It stays because it is now the husband's. In fact, we finally got it fixed and it's rideable. The bike guys couldn't figure out how to fix it because a part wasn't available. Then a salesman walked in...turns out he knows exactly what to do. A whack to the gear something-or-other and bingo! It's fine.

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