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Letter: Thanks for supporting my trip to Dallas

Icon viewers:
Hello all. In May I wrote a tid bit about the Model and Talent Expo that I was selected to attend in Dallas Texas. Wow! what a busy, chaotic, anxious and exciting event. Unfortunitaly, i did not sign a contract

However, I met alot of amazing people, I learned many new things that will help me with the career I have chosen and I had an amazing time. I want to thank everyone that helped me raise the money to follow my dream. I know the business owners get asked for contibutions all the time and I want to express my graditude to the following for their sponsorship:
Steiner & Granger

Diller's Flooring & Interior

Samuel W. Diller

Village Cut & Curl

Also, I would like to thank all of the Bluffton residents that purhased candy from me and or donated. I owe a huge thank you to Judy Bronson, Deer Creek Shoppe for allowing me to sell candy in her store and have a donantion jar in her store. Furthermore i thank her for the purchases she made.

Also, a thank you for a dear and supportive friend, Joellen that bought candy by the bags to support me.

Finally I want to thank my family for their help and ongoing support. Once again I thank you and God bless you all.

Chelsea R. Ross
