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Travel Class donation to library represents $1 for every year in its 110-year existence

Marilyn Bishop, president of the Bluffton Travel Class presents Cindi Chasse, Bluffton Public Library administrator, a check for $110. The check represents the 110th year in existence of the Travel Class.

The Bluffton Travel Class has issued an interesting challenge to Bluffton clubs and organizations. To help the Bluffton Public Library celebrate its 75th anniversary this month, the Travel Class has donated $110 to the library.

That amount represents one dollar for every year that the Travel Class has existed. The money will be used for the library's Bucks for Books Fund, launched in December 2009.

According to Cindi Chasse of the library, the Travel Class contribution brings the Bucks for Book Fund to nearly $4,000. It's goal is $5,000.

Marilyn Bishop, president of the Travel Class, hopes that the donation will inspire other Bluffton organizations to donate in a similar way to the library.

She suggests that other Bluffton clubs and organizations also donate to the library one dollar for each year of their existence - or at least $75, whichever is higher.

"We've struggled with our budget," said Chasse. "We have between 25 and 30 percent less funding from the state since 2008. We've survived thanks to the passage of our levy and through several budget cuts."

Persons wanting more information about the Bucks for Books program may contact Chasse at the library.

