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Drive Time Driving Instruction offers classes in Bluffton each month

Doug and Sara Kisseberth

By Kirstie Runion, Bluffton University Icon Intern
"It's surprising how many bad habits you pick up," Sara Kisseberth said about driving. Sara and her husband, Doug, own Drive Time Driving Instruction, a driver's education school. They operate out of Findlay and have classes in Bluffton as well.

After plans to purchase an established driver's education school fell through, Doug and Sara had enough knowledge and support from friends to branch out and start their own business last April.

Doug had previously taught driver's education for four years. After background checks, Sara had to retake driver's education classes (Doug not having to do so because he was already licensed) to get licensed by the Ohio Department of Public Safety. Sara said this raised their awareness and teaching continues to do so.

"People always go 5, 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, but as instructors, we can't do that." Since April, Drive Time Driving has attracted students from 13 different school districts, the three main ones being Bluffton, Cory-Rawson and Arlington.

For a student to obtain a driver's license, the student must have 24 classroom hours at driver's education and eight hours driving in a car with an instructor.

Along with Sara, who steps in when needed, Casey Lauger, a history graduate from Findlay University, teaches the majority of classroom hours.

That leaves the driving to the men. Chuck Chiow, who teaches at Mansfield, lightens Doug's load by driving about one student a week.
Doug needs help, spending over 30 hours a week in a car with teens.

"Doug is great with them. He has a way of calming down the nervous ones and settling the reckless. The kids feel less pressure from him than their parents; he's very patient," Sara said.

Their shared teaching method works. Ninety percent of their students pass their driving exam on the first try.

Classes in Bluffton start on the first Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. For February, (Feb. 6), at 1 p.m. (due to the Super Bowl). Registration is open until the day before. Classes in Findlay start Feb. 20 at 5 p.m.

For more information or costs, go to or call 419-424-0112. Drive Time Driving Instruction is a Bluffton Icon advertiser, is a member of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce and is an affiliate member of Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs.
