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Newest Ream display cutouts?

At first glance you might think that two new silhouette figures joined the cutouts in this year's Ream holiday folk art display on the Presbyterian Church lawn.

But, after a closer look the Icon discovered that Fred Rodabaugh and Denny Morrison were at work on Tuesday morning. The high winds of Monday were too much for many of the cutouts. Many blew over.

Fred and Denny are unofficial caretakers of the display following acts of God.


Girls' basketball: Prater leads BHS with 13 against USV

Upper Scioto Valley girls stopped Bluffton 65-42 in the opening regular season basketball game for the Pirates.

The Bluffton box score is attached.


Rumer, Parkins on all-tourney team

Averey Rumer and Abbie Parkins were named to the all-tournament team of the McDonald's Girls' Holiday Basketball Tournament taking palce Nov. 25-26.

Arlington won the tourney, beating Bluffton 65-36 in the title game. The game box score is attached at the bottom. Allen East won the consolation game over Cory-Rawson 54-21.

All-Tournament Team
Brittney Roth - Cory Rawson
Lauren Criblez - Allen East
Averey Rumer - Bluffton
Abbie Parkins - Bluffton

Jayme Webb - Arlington
Whitney Dodds - Arlington


Tuesday final anticipated leaf pick-up in Bluffton

Tuesday, Dec. 6 is the last anticipated day for leaf pick-up in Bluffton, according to Nancy Kindle.

Residents may still bring their leaves to the brush dump or bag them and they will be picked up when brush is picked up.


Preparing for next stage of life theme of program

Tuesday evening at Bluffton Senior Center

BG Insurance Group will present a program at the Bluffton Senior Center at 132 N. Main St., on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. on “Preparing for the Next Stage of Life," according Tonya Meyer, director.

The program is the first of series and will be covering Senior healthcare options. The program is free and open to the public.



We'll take November's weather any month this winter

Daily average temperature 4 1/2 degrees above normal

November in Bluffton – a month of great weather.

While the normal average November temperature here is 41.5 degrees, this year’s average was 46 degrees. Only seven days had temperatures reaching below freezing.

These figures are from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.  Verhoff also noted that November’s normal precipitation is 1.10 inches; this month’s was 3.16 inches.

There was no recorded snowfall this November. In November, 2015, Bluffton area had already experienced one-half inch of snowfall (Nov. 22, 2015).

