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West Kibler Street - from the air - in the late 1940s


Here's a rare photo taken from the air of the "bend" on Kibler Street cira 1948. Is the Icon correct to state that the houses on the west side belonged to Bakers, Littles, Stauffers and Bierys?

Once in a conversation with the late James F. West, former Citizens National Bank president, he said that in the late 1940s this neighbor was known as "mortage row."

That title, of course, changes with each new subdivision, and he was certainly aware of that.

We'll point out several things. First, the Szabo house is not yet constructed, nor are the houses, which today stand on the far left side of the photo. An alley in the photo appears well used. Today it is barely noticible.

Notice Riley Creek. It's flooded. No surprise there.

We invite Icon viewers to point out other observations.