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First Mennonite, Bluffton, holds hymnal celebration


First Mennonite Church, Bluffton,  held a “Hymnal Celebration/Chairity Event” at the church on Nov. 11. It was an evening of music presented by a variety of groups, including its adult choir, piano, dulcimer, trumpet, string quartet, guitar by children, youth and adults. The evening included singing by the congregation.

All the music performed came from the “Hymnal: A Worship Book” in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the denominational resource. Mark Suderman, First Mennonite director of music, offered a brief overview of the hymnal history, acknowledging Marilyn Kern, a member of the congregation who served as a member of the 1992 hymnal text committee.

An offering was received that evening as a fundraiser for new chairs for the choir rehearsal room.  Members of the choirs provided dessert following the program.

