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St. John's UCC centennial committee (1973)


This week celebrates the 140th anniversary of St. John's United Church of Christ. Here is a photo of the congregation's centennial committee, taken in 1973.

Front, from left, Meredith Stepleton, Rhoda Matter, correspondence; Silas Diller, general chairman; La Donna Derringer, secretary; Sidney C. Stettler, history chairman and booklet chairman; Leota Badertscher, church publications.

Second row, from left, Rev. Mark L. Williams, pastor; Geraldine Diller, women's organizations; Lucille Frantz, pastor's reports; Ruth Geiger, pastor's reports; Morris Groman, audio-visual; Wilford Geiger, booklet chairman; Jane Baker, youth organizations; Harriette Luginbuhl, pastor's reports; Carl Derringer, men's organizations. 

Not pictures, Robert King, first year chairman; Minnie Basinger, pastor's reports; W.A. Amstutz (deceased) early history.