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Follow us on Facebook is serious business for Bluffton Icon

Icon viewers interested in knowing the power of social media will appreciate following statistics.

The Icon's Facebook page has 1,034 followers and this list continues to grow weekly.

During the week of Sept. 24-30 the Icon Facebook page:

• Reached 1,144 persons
• Had 35 persons talking about it
• Added 3 new likes

Each evening The Icon posts one item on its Facebook page to attract viewers to the Icon website. Here is a sample of posts from Sept. 24-30 listed with the number of Facebook fans each story reached:

• Bluffton High School homecoming court, 655 (posted within the last 24 hours)
• Scott Basinger purchases Diller law firm, 452 (posted within the last 24 hours)
• Sharon Zimmerly 15 minute interview, 451
• Bluffton fall festival photos and videos, 587
• Bluffton Hospital new cancer treatment program, 426
• Old photo of Exit 140 under construction, 543

We encourage viewers to "like" us on Facebook. Click here to visit the Icon's Facebook site. 
