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Village leaf pick up will continue until first week of December

The Village of Bluffton service department is now picking up leaves on a full-time basis.

Residents should place unbagged leaves on the side of the street in front of their residences, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

“Please place the leaves on the street as close to the curb as possible,” he said. “Utilize the tree lawn if available and do not allow the leaf pile to extend into the lanes of traffic.”

Mehaffie asked residents to assist the service department by clearing leaves away from the catch basins and curb drains in the village.

“We ask residents who park vehicles on the street to be aware of leaf piles when parking vehicles so that the crew can get to the piles of leaves,” he said.

Mehaffie anticipates leaf collection to continue through Thanksgiving and tentatively to conclude the first week of December.
