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March 17 meeting offers details for restaurants and non-profit groups who wish to be part of the GOBA action

Attention Bluffton non-profit organizations and restaurants:

The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA) comes to Bluffton in June. With it comes a terrific fund-raising opportunity involving preparing and selling food to the over 2,500 GOBA hungry visitors.

An information meeting, open to representatives of any non-profit Bluffton group and all Bluffton restaurants, takes place at 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 17, in the third floor of the town hall.

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors the March 17 meeting. During the event GOBA representatives from Columbus will explain how Bluffton groups can benefit

GOBA participants will start arriving in Bluffton from Van Wert at around 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 21. They will stay overnight at Bluffton University and will leave Bluffton for Defiance on Monday morning, June 22.

During their stay there is an opportunity for groups to provide a Sunday lunch, Sunday supper and Monday breakfast.

The GOBA registration fee does not include meals. This means that cyclists will look to buy food on their own while in Bluffton. Some bikers will want restaurant meals; others will seek food offered by local non-profit organizations.

“We urge all Bluffton restaurants, service organizations, churches and non-profit groups interested in raising funds during GOBA’s visit to attend the March 17 meeting,” said Fred Steiner of the chamber.

More opportunies for groups

In addition to food needs, GOBA's Bluffton visit means lots of volunteers are need for housing, entertainment, shuttle bus service, clean-up and toting baggage for bikers. Persons interested in understandinghow groups can participate should contact Liz Harner at CG Pro Bikes, Main Street, Bluffton, or Fred Steiner of the chamber.




