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Park will enhance Lions' Way Trail; construction planned this summer

A Lions’ Way Trailhead Park will be constructed at the Commerce Lane entrance to the Lions’ Way Trail, according to the Bluffton Bikeway and Pedestrian Pathway Board.

When completed, the park will include a 225- by 60-foot green space bordering Commerce Lane.

“This will greatly enhance the appeal and use of the Lion’s Way Trail. It will serve as a great bike rest stop for area residents and visitors to the greater Bluffton area,” said Richard Ramseyer, Pathway Board chair.

The project includes several phases. Phase I includes placement of a steel picnic shelter, concrete pad, picnic tables, water hydrant, bikes racks and landscaping.

Implementation of Phase I, estimated at $33,115, will take place from July 6 to Aug. 31 this year.

Phase I funding comes from:
•  The Findlay-Hancock Community Foundation, $12,070
•  Pledges from individuals and businesses who participated in the initial Lions’ Way project
•  Labor from the Village of Bluffton

The Foundation’s portion includes unspent grant funding from its original grant totaling $61,600 to construction the bike path. The pathway board raised a matching amount.

The project has several phases. Future phases call for construction of rest rooms, park benches, playground equipment and parking for vehicles.

Pathway board
Members of the Bluffton Bike and Pedestrian Pathway board are Richard Ramseyer, Laura Voth, Dima Snyder, Dr. James Harder, Mitch Kingsley, Greg Denecker, John Rich and Fred Steiner. Jamie Mehaffie and Everett Collier are village liaison members.
