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Senior Center to hold meeting on identity theft, financial victimization and elder abuse

The Bluffton Senior Citizens’ Center will hold an informational meeting covering the topics of identity theft, financial victimization and elder abuse on Thursday, April 23, at 2 p.m.  According to San Francisco-based Javelin Strategy and Research, two-thirds of 2014's identity theft victims had been notified data breach victims.

Want local resources and tools if a scam, fraud, identity theft or data breach becomes your nightmare?  Want to understand the red flags of elder abuse?  Elysia Bush, Elder Victim Ministry Advocate at Crime Victim Services and Eric Brough, AVP Operations Manager at Citizen's National Bank will provide stories and resources to help elders prevent, identify, and respond to financial abuse at the meeting in the Senior Center. The meeting is free and open to the public. Please call 419-358-8971 for more information.
