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15 with Halle Steingass - on the joys of traveling and the beauty of life as we know it

Interview by Sophia Marcum

Halle Steingass graduated from Bluffton High School in 2012 and has spent the past five weeks studying abroad in England and Italy. We got the chance to talk with her when she returned home.

Where are you attending school now and what are you studying?
I am attending Goshen College in northern Indiana, studying social work and music.

What led you to these fields?
I had originally been a music major, and after taking a summer internship following my first year of college, I realized that I also really loved helping people. The fall of my second year I switched to primarily studying social work. After working with residents in a juvenile detention center, and counseling children at an elementary school, I found my life had been enriched. Being able to focus on two different fields of study has allowed me to pursue aspects of life that provide great joy.

You’ve just returned from studying abroad in London. Did you try using a British accent while over there?
I have only accidentally used a British accent. When you are surrounded by Brits, their lingo begins to rub off, and then you sound like a goon with an American accent absentmindedly spitting out certain words in a British accent.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or experienced on your trip?
I think the most surprising thing I have experienced is that people seem numb to busyness.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not”. Does this resonate with your own travels?

Of course. As they saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We choose to see beauty. When our eyes begin to degrade, our vision becomes blurred, and we are in need of new lenses. With the new lens [provided by traveling] our eyes can see vibrancy and life, but that new lens doesn’t matter without our hearts being ready to take it in. 

What piece of advice would you give to travelers?

Be quick, but go slow.

This may sound contrary in nature, but when I think of quick, I am referring to being quick to react and think. You are constantly on your toes, and protecting yourself. Also, when you are traveling, there are times when you will need to quickly choose directions or make a decision. However, going slow means that you take in each moment, savoring the breath taken and exhaled. Don’t rush the experience or the place, because we need time to discern.

If Bluffton was actually a village in a European country, what country do you think it should belong to?

That is a difficult question. The village of Bluffton is “new” compared to the settlements in Europe. The buildings do not have the same history, or the same architecture. There are buildings here that are hundreds of years old. I can’t justly associate Bluffton with any European village that I’ve seen.

What is your opinion on taking selfies?
Haha selfies…

Do you ever run into former BHS classmates? Who and where?
Yes! I run into Lucas Harnish each day at college. But other than coming home and running into old friends, I do not.

What’s the best book you’ve read while at college? Tell us a bit about it.
Usually I do not have enough time to sit down and read any books for fun during the school year, but this past year, one of my classes required me to read a book called What It’s Like to Go to War by Karl Marlantes, This book was written by Karl who had served in the Vietnam War. It was a powerful and moving story of a man who had come back to the United States to unravel a traumatizing experience.

He realized that the war had been unfruitful and devastating. Marlantes was able to articulate the true nature of war and the harm that is done by it. It was a refreshing and different perspective compared to what is portrayed in the media.

What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming senior year?
I am looking forward to everything and nothing. I love my school, the people, and the experiences. I am looking forward to strengthening this love, but I am also dreading the end of this wonderful cycle that I’ve been so blessed to enjoy.

It sounds like you are loving life and life is loving you right back. Thank you for sharing with us Halle!


Halle has since returned from Europe and is spending the rest of her summer as an intern in Oregon. Leave a comment below to impart some well wishes as she enters into her senior year of college.
