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Swiss Day carry-in dinner, program at Ebenezer Mennonite on Sunday

Swiss Day, a program of the Swiss Community Historical Society, holds its annual carry-in dinner and program 12:30 p.m., Sunday, June 28, at Ebenezer Mennonite Church, 8905 Columbus Grove Road.

Here’s the program announcement from the Society’s Facebook:

Please bring a hot or cold dish to share. We will enjoy the Swiss National Anthem, and hear a detailed report on Phase II of the Capital Campaign "Bringing alive the past by building for the future."

The band “Silver Threads among the Gold” will provide background music during the dinner.

Background on capital campaign
The Swiss Community Historical Society capital campaign to raise $1 million is well under way.

The raised funds will be used for barn restoration, endowment fund and Heritage Center. The Heritage Center will be a living history center,

It will provide space for educational programs, lectures, meetings, receptions and reunions. Most importantly it will be a place where local history can be displayed.

Early furniture, textiles, documents, photographs, history of industry and education will be exhibited. The Center will be located on the Farmstead property on Bixel Road.
