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Here's what we shared with an Ohio Magazine photographer

Josh Bickel, a photographer for Ohio Magazine, wanted to see the sights of Bluffton.

So, naturally, we took him to the clock tower of the town hall. Bickel was in Bluffton last Friday taking photos of Bluffton University campus and the village for an upcoming feature on Bluffton University. 

Watch for the September issue of Ohio Magazine. You can't miss the Bluffton University spread.

The Icon likes to visit the town hall clock tower each season - our most recent visit was with Derek Dukes and Phil Zimmerly some time in March. So, when Josh asked for an interesting town shot, we climbed three sets of ladders, opened several trap doors and here we are.

Here's how Bluffton looks in mid-July from the town hall clock tower south window. We've thrown in a photo of the town bell, for newcomers to the Icon.

