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Name this location and you are a Bluffton expert

If you can identify the location of these two Bluffton residences you are a true Bluffton expert. (Those TV towers resemble Steinman tip-over towers.)

Here's some hints:

• Photo taken 1967, prior to the houses being razed 
• Main Street, Bluffton
• The white/green house is standing today (you can see just a glimpse of it on the far right)
• Study the signs near the curb (you can only see the back side). These help in the location idenfication.

This photo is part of a series of photos the Icon is sharing from Dick Boehr's collection.

Give up?

Answer: Stratton Auto Sales is now on this site. It's at the southeast intersection of North Main Street and Jefferson Street. The houses were razed for construction of Renner's Pure Oil station.