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A Blaze first - Ottoville man "re-proposes" to his wife on their 17th wedding anniversary

Earlier this year, Blaze of Lights parade director Junior Weihrauch invited the Ottoville Fire Department to have a unit in the Blaze parade.

In Weihrauch’s conversation with Matt Schnipke of the department, Schnipke asked what he thought was a crazy question.

“On Nov. 28 my wife, Jennifer, and I will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary,” said Schnipke. “This might sound crazy, but would you mind if I propose again to my wife, in front of the review stand, during the parade? I'd like to surprise her.”

Weihrauch said that he thought the idea was terrific and encouraged the “re-proposal” to take place.

“I don’t want to hold up the parade,” Schnipke said.

To that, Weihrauch replied, “Don’t worry about it. It’s a great idea.”

The rest is history as the plot unfolded unknown to Jennifer.

During the parade, her husband stopped the Ottoville fire vehicle in front of the review stand. The couple’s three daughters, riding in the back of the vehicle, ran up to the review stand with posters announcing the event, and Matt made his proposal.

The Icon captured the event with several photos, which may be viewed below.

The event was a first for the Blaze and it may well start a tradition followed by other couples.
