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Viewer assistance request: We are thinking about 2016 stories

The Bluffton Icon needs viewers assistance. We have 2016 on our mind, and you can help.

We are compiling several 2016 lists.

• One is a list of Bluffton events for our on-going 2016 calendar. Event received will be listed on the Icon's monthly calendar. These events will also go on our news announcement list. Our list includes everything from chicken barbecues, recitals, open houses, and, you get the idea.

• We always look for good stories. For businesses, we'd appreciate knowing if you have a special anniversary taking place in 2016.

• Other helpful information you may share with us is if any of your long-time employees will retire in 2016. We'll keep it a secret until the event, but we'd like to place them on our potential feature story calendar.

• And, as always, we seek in any story idea from you in 2016. For example, concerning birthdays, 2016 is a leap year. Do you know someone with a Feb. 29 birthday? Or, how about a Dec. 25 or Jan. 1 birthday?

• Our popular "15 minutes" feature welcomes your suggestions for email interviews with persons who grew up in Bluffton but now live elsewhere. Simply provide us with a name and email. We'll do the rest.

Send your events, story suggestions to: [email protected]. We'll take it from here.
