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Kerry Patrick Clark in concert April 30

at Pandora United Methodist Church

Kerry Patrick Clark will be in concert at the Pandora United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 30, at 7 p.m. 

The church is located at 108 E. Washington Street (Route 12) in Pandora. There is no admission fee but there will be a free will offering and CD’s will be available for sale.

Clark, is an American singer-songwriter in the folk tradition. A native Ohioan, Clark’s career spans more than three decades with chart-topping singles, as well as prominent placement in film and television scores; and a year-long tour with the New Christy Minstrels celebrating their 25th Anniversary. 

Clark’s music has been included in themes and scores for ESPN, Cornhole The Movie, Challenge Day, and Reclaiming Hope - a PBS Special. Perhaps his most significant placement was on Wolf Blitzer’s CNN special commemorating the six-month milestone after Sept. 11. CNN featured Kerry’s Songs To Heal a Nation. 

His first recording in 1985, Life and Times, was a limited edition vinyl release. From one of the 1,000 copies pressed Clark earned a spot on a yearlong coast-to-coast tour with the New Christy Minstrels for their 25th Anniversary. 
