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Letter: A suggestion on driving the drug problem out of Bluffton

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Mayor Judy, greetings.  As a former resident of the village and a current landlord in the village I believe I have a small voice in the community.  Here is what is on my mind.  Recently I have read and heard about "Home Invasions" and some 'Drug Abuse' occurring.

These problems are a national problem, however my concern is for OUR community. Bluffton is a wonderful village, unique in many ways. Through the efforts of current and past residents Bluffton has developed a terrific reputation. 

These current violations of the values we hold dear, if not curtailed, will give the village a bad reputation. A negative perspective may cause a decrease in Home values and influence possible businesses from not investing here, and drive up our taxes caused by the related affects in many government areas.

As a suggestion,  I feel the village Police Department needs to do more to drive the problems out of town. This sounds harsh, but will benefit the community in the long run. How do we drive the "Bad People Out"? There are people in town whom have a very good idea on where the violators reside and do there illegal activities.  

Here is my suggestion;  Have the Police invite the County Sheriff to assist on monitoring, investigating, and checking out homes where the EMS has been called in for drug related assistance (ie. Overdoses).

The Sheriff Dept has Dogs that can detect the presence of illegal substances and arrests could then be made.  There are enough laws on the books.  We need enforcement.

Once the word gets around that Bluffton will not tolerate illegal activities the problem will move elsewhere.

Mike Zimmerman
