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"I always enjoy helping people"

Says Cindy Luginbuhl, Rodan+Fields independent consultant

From time to time, the Icon features stories on its advertisers. We recently had a chat with Cindy Luginbuhl, who has a Business Card on the Icon. Here’s what we learned about Rodan+Fields.

Cindy Luginbuhl says that she’s always enjoyed helping people.

Five years ago, her then-high-school-age daughter developed a case of acne. Cindy started her on a Rodan+Fields skin care product. The results sold Cindy on the product and she eventually became an independent consultant for the company.

“My customers are anyone with skin concerns – women or men,” she said. “Rodan+Fields can be used at any age beginning with preteen, it's never too late to have better looking skin."

She explained that there are four lines of R+F products:
• Acne
• Sensitivity
• Sun damage
• Fine lines and wrinkles

Each is a multi-medication therapy involving a wash, moisturizer, treatment and sunscreen.

“The products offer everything for the skin, “ she said.

Cindy suggests taking a selfie now, use a Rodan+Fields product and then, every few months taking another selfie. Compared the two. “You’ll be amazed at the change,” she said.

While her “day job” is in the Bluffton University business office, Cindy says Rodan+Fields is her fun job.

“I’m involved in direct selling and selling from my website. I really like the one-on-one experience where I can explain our products to persons,” she said.

She tells her customers this about R+F projects: "Who doesn't want great looking skin? I want to look  better for my age."

And, she adds, “I’ve personally witnessed the difference these products have made on people’s skin and in their lives.”

“A one-time application won’t work. Skin changes are gradual,” she said. “Our products  are designed for a morning and an evening application and products come as 60-day supplies.”

Products may be ordered directly from her website or by contacting her. All orders are sent via Fed Ex.

Want more info?
Cindy Luginbuhl
R+F Independent Consultant
[email protected]



