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Everything you need to know about Saturday's Blaze

Food, entertainment, Santa, schedule

Here's everything you need to know about Saturday's Blaze of Lights. The following links take viewers to previous stories about this year's Blaze:

• CLICK for musical entertainment schedule.
• CLICK for downtown eating choices.
• CLICK for Saturday's Blaze schedule.
• CLICK for information about Santa's visit after the parade.
• CLICK for Blaze poster, listing sponsors and quick schedule overview.
• CLICK for map of Bluffton showing where to find the lights and downtown activities.

And don't forget:
* Horse and wagon rides will take place following the parade.
* Gft of Giving light show on East College across from Harmon Field

And, watch the Icon for Jamie Nygaard's photos following the Blaze.

This is the 31st annual Bluffton Blaze of LIghts. It is sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce. For last minute details view the chamber's website at:
