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BFR's Kid's Night Out is Dec. 8

Registration now for winter-themed evening of fun and games

Bluffton Family Recreation hosts its next "Kid's Night Out," from 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, Dec. 8, according to Amy Byers, sports director.

"This is a chance for parents to have a night out on their own or to do some Christmas shopping," she said.

The kid's night with a theme "Pajamas and Pancakes" is open to youth ages 4 to 12. The evening includes many winter-themed activities and games.

There will be a chocolate bar, cookie decorating, make a Christmas ornament and join in a snowball fight.

Kids may wear PJs and bring a food donation for the Bluffton food pantry.

Registration is now underway. The cost is $15 for BFR members and $20 for non-members.

More details at BFR, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton, 419-358-4150.