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Board considers $211,755 air conditioning bid for new gym

Marching band planning a trip to Disney World in 2020

The Bluffton school board will act on an agreement on Monday for the construction of new air handlers, controls and piping for air conditioning in the new high school gym.

A bid of $211,755 from All Temp Refrigeration is being considered for the project. The board is part of the Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Program and TIPS had approved the bid.

Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent, told the Icon that the gym is not currently air conditioned.

"The air handlers need to be replaced due to having many problems with them and they are about 30 years old," he said. "Therefore, we decided to pipe chilled water over to the new air handlers and then we can have air conditioning in the new gym as well."

The board will also act to approve a high school band trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, from March 4-7, 2020.

A donation of $961 to the Kyle P. Luginbuhl Baseball Memorial from the Community Foundation will be approved, as will several supplemental, substitute and classified contracts.

The board’s agenda is attached at the bottom of this story.



