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Village accepts 2019 water rate charge from Ottawa

Council continues to study entrances on State Route 103

Bluffton council accepted a 2019 water rate charge increase from Ottawa on Monday. The recommendation was brought to the council by its utility committee (Dave Steiner and Jerry Cupples).

The negotiated water rate in 2018 is $1.86 per 100 cubic feet. The 2019 rate is $1.98 per 100 cubic feet, which takes effect Jan. 1. Dave Steiner of the utilities committee said that he was glad that the rate was able to remain under $2.

Council ordinance committee (Joe Sehlhorst and Mitch Kingsley) reported its continues to study the entrances on State Route 103. The committee reported that it reviewed the State Route access management statue, which Ohio Department of Transportation enforces along state routes in unincorporated areas.

The committee is considering a modified version of an existing ordinance from Tipp City.  The committee’s goal is to attempt bring an ordinance to the council later this year.

The committee also presented three working documents involving rental property agreements and utility accounts. These relate to the recent decision by the village to send utility bills to rental property owners instead of to the renters of those properties.
