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Chamber puts out the welcome mat for new university students

Saturday, Aug. 24, some 240 students will explore the village

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce puts out the welcome mat for new Bluffton University students on Saturday, Aug. 24, according to Paula Scott, CEO.

“Join us in welcoming new Bluffton University students, when they visit downtown Bluffton with their orientation groups – and during the coming weeks,” she said.

The chamber will be meeting with some 240 new students who will be exploring the village on Saturday, Aug. 24. They will receive maps and an overview of all the food, shopping, services, and more that the village has to offer.

“Let's make them feel at home and celebrate being a college town,” she said.

A display poster is available from the chamber. To download the poster, click here.

In addition, Scott asks downtown businesses to create  ways to welcome students on windows, receipts, websites, social media, digital displays.

Classes for the fall semester begin on Monday, Aug. 26.
