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283 area youth have an eye check

Performed by Bluffton Lions Club members

The Bluffton Lions team conducted their annual eye screening of local children from Sept. 23 through Oct. 1. 

During this time a team of 10 Lions traveled to the Bluffton School kindergarten, Allen East kindergarten, Pandora Hilty Home day care, Bluffton Catholic Church day care, Bluffton Presbyterian Church pre-school and the Bluffton County Line day care. 

In all, 283 children were screened with referrals sent to parents.

"The mission of the Ohio Lions Vision Screening Program is to aid in the fight to prevent blindness.  Through early detection and treatment, most common disorders that can lead to blindness can be corrected," said Barbara Plaugher of the club.

She added: "The main problem that we are trying to prevent is amblyopia.  This develops because the brain is getting one “good” image and one “bad” image from the eyes. 

"This is where the brain shuts off the bad eye and slow its development in relation to the good eye.  Amblyopia, if left untreated, can cause a permanent decrease in vision that cannot be corrected with glasses."
